Orthognathic surgery for mandibular prognathism correction

At the following cases, the patients wore orthodontic appliances initially to positioning the teeth at the maxilla and mandible osseous bases. The surgeries occurred approximately one year after the appliances were placed. The orthognathic surgery performed was an osseous cut which was done inside the mouth and is so called bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy. Thus, the prognathism was corrected, the teeth present a perfect bite now, and the exaggerated chin projection and the lack of upper lip exposure were fixed all at the same surgical act.


There are cases where instead of the mandibular surgery; the maxilla (upper jaw) advancement is chosen. REMEMBER: the incisions are made just inside the mouth and there are not scars on the face. When the problem is more serious; with greater preoperative distance among upper and lower teeth, the surgery may involve the maxilla, which is placed forward with Le Fort I osteotomy associated with bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy allowing to positioning the mandible backwards.